The safety and well-being of our employees is our top priority and we’re committed to ensuring they have all the resources they need to work safely every day. We're proud of the commitment each of our employees has to safety, and we’ve made impactful progress together—since 2019, recordable incidents in our global network (anything that requires more than basic first aid) have declined by 30%, and lost time incidents (more serious injuries that require someone to take time off to recover) have declined by 60%. Our goal is to have the safest workplaces in the industries in which we operate, and we’re well on our way. But even with that progress, accidents can happen at any location. In our network, the vast majority are minor and can be addressed with basic first aid, which is part of why we offer on-site wellness centers at many of our facilities.
At our wellness centers, employees get free access to basic first aid care and support from trained personnel, who also provide injury prevention resources and educational materials to help educate employees about working safely and comfortably. While our employees tell us that they appreciate these resources, we sometimes get questions about them from people outside the company, so we wanted to share a bit more about how they work.
Here’s what you’d see if you visited one of our wellness centers, which were formerly known as AMCARE:

Basic first aid and preventive services

Employees can access basic first aid care at any designated wellness center located at many of our sites within the North American fulfillment network, free of charge. In addition to providing immediate care for minor injuries like cuts, scrapes, aches, and pains, at no cost, wellness centers also provide a range of other offerings throughout the year, including education on body mechanics, ergonomics, and general health awareness. At many of our locations, we also have wellness zones, which are dedicated spaces where employees can perform self-directed stretching before and/or after their shift. Each wellness zone features posters and other content to reinforce learnings from the safety and health training employees take during onboarding.
We also provide a range of free supplies for employees including standard over-the-counter medications as well as safety equipment like work gloves, safety shoes, and other personal protective equipment. In most buildings, many of these items can also be accessed via free “safety vending machines” where, with a swipe of their badge, employees can get safety gloves, eye protection, hearing protection, high visibility vests, and more.

Education and support from trained professionals

Across our North American fulfillment network, our employees have easy access to trained safety professionals who can take time to understand their unique needs and give them education and resources on how to stay healthy—both at work and outside of work. These onsite professionals do not diagnose or treat more complicated injuries or conditions, and our policy is that employees are encouraged to seek outside care for injuries or illnesses that require more than basic first aid or self-care. But these professionals can discuss preventive measures like proper nutrition, mental health, and/or stretching techniques, and also provide information on local resources and outside medical providers for employees who want help finding a good doctor. These safety professionals also engage directly with employees and site leaders out on the operations floor to proactively coach on proper body mechanics and health education.
We’re proud to offer these resources to our team, and grateful for each of our wellness center professionals—and our 1.1 million front-line employees and the over 9,000 health and safety professionals around the world—who all work together every day to keep our workplaces safe.