A few days shy of my six-month anniversary at Amazon, I had a call out in a big meeting. The leader heading up the call announced that the Puget Sound Business Journal had recognized me among their honorees for “Outstanding Voices in the LGBTQ+ Community.” I was (and still am) so honored to be recognized among an amazing group of leaders who have been advocates and voices for the LGBTQIA+ community. It’s so important for people to have representation and access in the workplace and in their communities, and it means so much that my work as a community engagement manager at Amazon has made a recognizable impact.
In my role, I’m responsible for helping Amazon leverage its resources to support local nonprofits. While I work with nonprofits across different sectors, I have the ability to support those focused on uplifting the LGBTQIA+ community, and help connect our employees to their work. Though it’s particularly visible as we celebrate Pride month in the Puget Sound, this work continues year-round.
As many local Pride celebrations come to a close, you might be wondering how you can continue to use your voice to support your community. Here are my five best tips to get started.

Page overview

Find your passion

Find your passion
Do your research
Support LGBTQIA+ and minority-owned businesses
Find local events
Find ways to get involved that work best for you
Find your passion
A selfie of three amazon employees waving the Glamazon flag and a colorful illustration as the background.

Think through exactly how you want to help. Take a look at the local organizations in your area to see what they’re doing and find an area you want to lean in on. For example, you could focus on supporting homeless youth in the LGBTQIA+ community, or lend a hand in efforts to develop more equitable practices in your workplace. Find an area that excites you, then follow that passion to make a difference.

Do your research

The internet has made it exceptionally easy to find groups that are already doing amazing work in your community. You could also go the classic route by talking with people in your community or asking around at work. I’d recommend meeting with organizations before you commit to a schedule to make sure your values align, and that the group is having the impact you’re interested in supporting.

Support LGBTQIA+ and minority-owned businesses

I use the Intentionalist website when I want to try a new local business or restaurant. You can sort by the type of ownership you’re looking for and be very intentional in how you’re spending your money. I also refer to the Human Rights Campaign Corporate Equality Index to further inform where I spend money.

Find local events
Three amazon employees smiling at the camera and wearing Pride swag.

Social media is a great resource to find events that support important causes in your area. I typically look for local LGBTQIA+ groups and join them to get updates on what’s happening in my area. For example, in the Puget Sound, I’m a part of Rainbow Families of Puget Sound, Pride Across the Bridge, Eastside LGBTQIA+ Families & Local Advocates, and The Social Queer. Additionally, community events are a great opportunity to visit with lots of organizations that have booths to find out what their needs are and how they align with your availability.

Find ways to get involved that work best for you

Community and nonprofit groups want people who can amplify their work and their message, and there are several ways you can go about that. You can do volunteering, advocacy, funding, or even help connect one organization with other organizations or entities that can support their efforts. Find the route with the right level of commitment for you to develop a sustainable flow for your community work.

My final piece of advice is to find what works for you, then go out and make an impact! Your contributions are important, no matter how big or small.