As a mom to three young kids, I used to find keeping track of their gift requests during the holidays a bit of a challenge. I’ve accidentally purchased the same item twice, not remembering I bought it the first time. I completely forgot to purchase something I had been meaning to. And on more than one occasion, I drew a blank when a family member asked what my kids wanted—even though my kids had been rattling off their lists for weeks.
This year, I vowed to do things differently to avoid repeating my past gaffes and to make my life a tad less stressful. I decided I’d actually keep track of my holiday shopping. But how? And where?
I discovered that Amazon can help you keep track of the gifts your kids want. Here are my top four tips for easy things you can do:

Page overview

Create Amazon Wish Lists

Create Amazon Wish Lists
“Save for later”
Ask Alexa to add items to your Wish Lists or create a Sticky Note
Check your order history
Create Amazon Wish Lists

Amazon Wish Lists are one of the best ways to keep things organized. You can add your kids’ gift requests to individualized Wish Lists on your Amazon account to easily refer back to later.

You can also share Wish Lists with friends and family members who may want to shop for your kids. As each gift is purchased, it will be labeled as such.

An illustration of two smart phone screens displaying Amazon Wish Lists.
“Save for later”

If your child happens to mention a gift they want and you’re not quite ready to make the purchase—but don’t want to forget about it—you can add the item to your Amazon cart and then click “Save for later.”

You can easily access all of your “Save for later” items by clicking on the Amazon cart icon, even when your cart is empty.

An illustration of a smart phone screen displaying an Amazon cart with a toy elephant and someone clicking the "save for later" button.
Ask Alexa to add items to your Wish Lists or create a Sticky Note

If you have an Alexa-enabled device, you can ask Alexa to add items to a Shopping List or a Wish List as you remember them. You can also create a Sticky Note, which will appear on the screen of your Echo Show devices. These are great options when you don’t have your phone in hand or if there’s no paper or pen in sight.

A colorful illustration of a person holding household items while asking an Alexa device to add a plush elephant toy to their holiday list.
Check your order history

If you’re forgetful like me, you can easily check all of your holiday shopping orders on the Your Orders page in your Amazon account. You don’t have to sift through receipts or email to figure out what you’ve already purchased. At the top of the Your Orders page, you can search for a specific item, or you can easily scroll to see everything you’ve ordered and its delivery status.

An illustration of a phone with an Amazon order history page appearing on the screen.
Find more tips for shopping on Amazon this holiday season.