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Use Alexa to find great holiday recipes and help with your holiday cooking.
Want help finding the perfect holiday recipe? Ask Alexa for inspiration or for specific recipes. Simply say “Alexa, show me side dish recipes” or “Alexa, show me holiday dessert recipes.” You can quickly search for recipes based on cuisines, ingredients, and even dietary preferences. You can also quickly ask Alexa to set multiple timers for different dishes or ask for quick measurement conversions like “Alexa, how many tablespoons are in a cup?”
You can simply say, “Alexa, play holiday music,” and let your device DJ with one of many holiday playlists. Songs range from contemporary hits to timeless classics. If you want something specific, just ask.
Adding a touch of holiday magic is easy with Alexa Routines and connected smart home devices. Simply use smart plugs to make regular string lights and other electronic decor work with Alexa. Create an Alexa Routine that can automatically turn your connected string lights on, light up the Christmas tree, and start a holiday playlist to get your home in the holiday spirit without you having to lift a finger.
Create one easy, organized destination for all of your shopping lists—whether they’re filled with gifts or a never-ending list of groceries for your upcoming holiday party. Ask Alexa to add gifts to wish lists as the ideas come to you, and retrieve them later from anywhere using the Amazon or Alexa App for easy reference. If your holiday plans include lots of food, ask Alexa to add holiday necessities like milk, eggs, and cookies to your grocery list or just reorder household staples such as paper towels.
Offload your calendar and your lengthy to-do list to Alexa by setting reminders for important tasks or events, like when you need start cooking the Thanksgiving turkey or when you need leave to pick up a family member from the airport.
Add calendar events to your Echo Show device for when friends and family plan to arrive for the holiday and set reminders on when you need to head out the door to pick them up, so Alexa can keep you on track. Ask Alexa for traffic updates like “Alexa, how long will it take to get to Newark Liberty International Airport?” to ensure your drive to the airport is seamless.
In addition to connecting holiday lights to your smart home devices, you can connect your other smart home devices to Alexa, as well—like your Ring camera doorbell or smart lock. As guests arrive for your holiday party, you can ask, “Alexa, who is at the door?” or “Alexa, open the front door” if your hands are full.